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Python for the Humanities - Spring 2020

Anna Clemencia Guerrero

Anna is a PhD candidate in Biology and Society at Arizona State University (ASU). She has a BS in Microbiology from Barrett, the Honors College at ASU. She studies how scientists use images, from conceptual diagrams to models to micrographs, to experience the microscopic universe. She is particularly interested in how scienctists use visual representation to conceptualize microbial communities. Utilizing techniques from history of science, philosophy of science, and microbiology, she documents how reserachers understand “invisible” biological phenomena, or those phenomena that are too small, large, or abstract to experience without the help of technology. Finally, she is curious about the methods scientists use to communicate these experiences to other scientists and the broader public, the consequences of current communication practices, and the ways in which current practices may be changed or improved. Anna is also a professional scientific illustrator. Check out her website here.